RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "writing exercises"

Writing Tip of the Week 18

Creative Competitor Editor Annette Young says-It’s easy for a writer to become too introverted and staring at the same four walls can be detrimental to the whole creative process. If you start to feel stale then take yourself out for the day and visit

Writing Tip of the Week 7

Can music stimulate the creative mind? Writers need to tap into this useful resource…

Writing Tip of the Week 5

Check when writing dialogue that it flows and feels natural to the reader…..

Writing Tip of the Week 3

Creative Competitor Weekly Writing Tip 3. Plan your writing day…

Writing – It Can Seriously Take Over Your Life

I have heard some people say that writing should not consume too big a part of your life but how can it not when you have trained your brain to recognise creative opportunities as they occur?